Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Simplesurfers competed in our first clock race

Our team competed in our first clock race today and placed 4th. We're not even in the pool yet, so placing in a race is unusual for teams ranked lower than 25.

position team payout (credits)
1 Dragon Surf 2 25,050
2 1st SkyRockets 12,525
3 World Surfers United 7,515
4 Simple Surfers 5,010

Only 7 of us were surfing, 2 with computer trouble so they couldn't surf as much.

Congrats to our team.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Join the Simple Surfers team today

My attempts to recruit new team members has started to become successful, but I thought I'd put up a blog post and try to recruit more members.

We are 9 members and growing, silver to platinum members make up our team.

I hope you'll join us, there are benefits in joining the team.

Minimum surf requirement is only 1000pv per week for any level, easily achievable by all. For those who don't reach this minimum, you receive a 1 week grace period before you are cut from the team. If you have a legitimate reason for not being able to meet the minimum, simply send me a message and I wont cut you.

Always promote your ref link, it really helps us out in the ranks.

As the team grows larger and we hit the top ranks, I will be offering surf bonuses when we reach the top 20 each week. The top surfers will receive credits or 1 link advertised each week.

So join us today, just find me, simplicityptcnetwork to send a join request.

The Simplesurfers Blog

Welcome to the team blog.

I urge those of you who are not StartXchange members to join me today.

i do know there are a couple of members already on the site.

Free online advertising Join today if you haven't.

Updates will be posted on the team group page when I have anything to talk about on the blog.